Wenskaart - roodborstje in de sneeuw Wenskaart - roodborstje in de sneeuw
Wenskaart - roodborstje in de sneeuw Wenskaart - roodborstje in de sneeuw
Wenskaart - roodborstje in de sneeuw
Wenskaart - roodborstje in de sneeuw How did the robin acquire its red breast? In the Christian tradition, it is thought that a robin tried to remove the crown of thorns from Jesus’...



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Wenskaart - roodborstje in de sneeuw

How did the robin acquire its red breast? In the Christian tradition, it is thought that a robin tried to remove the crown of thorns from Jesus’ head during the Crucifixion, drops of christ’s blood stained his breast red forever. In another myth, the robin’s breast was scorched red fetching water for souls in Purgatory.

Formaat: 17 x 12 cm
Inclusief enveloppe: ja
Papier: 330 grams
Blanco binnenzijde: ja

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